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Mehr Infos


Here's a handy visual guide to help you remember when to use which preposition of time:

Use at for clock times and other specific times.

  • at 9 pm / at 11:30 am
  • at lunchtime / at night

Use on for dates and days:

  • on 25 May / on New Year's Eve
  • on Monday / on Thursdays




Use in for unspecific times of the day, weeks, months, seasons, decades and centuries:

  • in the morning / in the evening
  • in four weeks
  • in April
  • in the summer
  • in spring
  • in the 1900's / in the 90's


Do you find it difficult to remember when to use which preposition? Use my handy visual guide (printable PDF) to help you:

A quick visual guide to: prepositions of time

By the way, you can also find this guide along with lots of exercises in my Prepositions of Time worksheet bundle.


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